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Monroeville area: Library mini golf, Italian buffet, more | TribLIVE.com
Monroeville Times Express

Monroeville area: Library mini golf, Italian buffet, more

Patrick Varine

Library mini golf

The Monroeville Public Library will host a miniature golf fundraiser on Feb. 22, with sessions for all ages and adults only.

The all-ages session will be held from 10 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Tickets are $5. Children under 3 are admitted free. Food and beverages will be available to purchase.

An adults-only session for those age 21 and older will be from 6 - 9:45 p.m. Tickets are $35 an include unlimited play and complimentary food and beverages. Raffles and 50/50 tickets will be available to purchase.

Purchase tickets at the library, at 4000 Gateway Campus Blvd., or see MonroevilleLibrary.org.

Buffet at Cross Roads church

Cross Roads Presbyterian Church will hold its annual Italian buffet from 4 to 7 p.m. on March 8 in Fellowship Hall, 2310 Haymaker Road.

The all-you-can eat buffet will feature a variety of pastas, stuffed shells, salad, desserts and beverages.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $6 for children ages 4 to 12 and children age 3 and younger are free. All proceeds will go to the church’s mission fund.

Tickets can be purchased on Sundays at the church or at the door the night of the buffet.

For more, call 412-372-2226.

Plum AARP sets meeting

Plum AARP’s monthly meeting is set for noon Feb. 11 at Unity Community Church. Plum EMT Brian Maloney will speak on safety for seniors.

Plum AARP is a social/service club open to residents of Plum, Penn Hills, Monroeville and surrounding communities. Cake, coffee and tea are served at each meeting. Dues are $15 per year.

Newcomers are welcome at regular monthly meetings, which are held on the second Tuesday of each month, except for June, at Unity Community Church, 215 Unity Trestle Road.

For more information, call Mary Lou at 724 327-8265.

Kindergarten registration open

Gateway School District kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open at https://www.gatewayk12.org/resources/parent-resources/registration.

Children must be 5 years old on or before Aug. 31, For further information, please call or email Cindy at 412-373-5705 or ccapell@gatewayk12.org.

Spaghetti dinner fundraiser

Monroeville Rotary and Divine Mercy Academy are hosting a spaghetti dinner fundraiser from 5 to 7 p.m. on Feb. 15 at the Lourdes Center cafeteria, 245 Azalea Drive.

Adult ticket are $10; children’s tickets are $8. Meals includes spaghetti and meatballs, rolls, side salad and beverages. All proceeds go to Monroeville Rotary Youth Services and Divine Mercy Academy’s PTG.

Tickets can be purchased at Ismyrotaryclub.org/Donation/Donate.cfm?ID=190497. For more, call Valerie Warning at 412-215-5231.

‘Walk with a Doc’ planned

Forbes Family Medicine staff and the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy will host “Walk with a Doc” at 5:30 p.m. March 11 and May 13. The group will meet at Monroeville Community Park West, 2399 Tilbrook Road.

The free wellness program is designed to help promote healthy eating and an active lifestyle.

For information, call 412-357-6079.

Bingo at Divine Mercy

Divine Mercy Academy will hold a Valentine’s Super Bingo on Feb. 8 at Lourdes Center, 245 Azalea Drive. Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Early bird games start at 6:45 p.m. and regular bingo will begin immediately after.

Tickets include 10 regular games, three specials and a jackpot worth $1,000. Concessions will be available for purchase, and players may bring their own snacks and drinks. The event is BYOB and is for those 21 and older.

Seating is limited and preassigned. When purchasing tickets, let DMA know who is in your party so you are seated together.

For questions or to purchase tickets, call 412-779-8016 or email saflaherty625@gmail.com.

Blood donors sought

The American Red Cross and Vitalant are encouraging prospective blood donors to participate in upcoming blood drives.

Donations of all blood types are crucial year-round, especially type O, the most frequently transfused blood type. O-negative blood can be given to patients of any blood type, while O-positive can help most patients.

To find a Red Cross location near you and to learn more about blood donation, including eligibility information, download the Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit RedCrossBlood.org or call 800-RED CROSS (800-733-2767).

To make an appointment and find locations, visit vitalant.org, download and use the Vitalant app or call 877-258-4825.

Patrick Varine is a TribLive reporter covering Delmont, Export and Murrysville. He is a Western Pennsylvania native and joined the Trib in 2010 after working as a reporter and editor with the former Dover Post Co. in Delaware. He can be reached at pvarine@triblive.com.

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Categories: Monroeville Times Express
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